Ooh La La’s

Ahhhhhhh I have totally neglected my little blog this week (and last). BUT hi! hey! yo! happy Thursday! I have a lot going on right now aka a cruise in 10 days HOLLA anddddd I may or may not be getting my very own dogchild tomorrow. I’ve been internet shopping like a psycho (not kidding) for the cruise and I plan on doing a post later with all my goodies. Obvi my dogchild will get a post of his own as well because he is a tiny cute little rescue and I am already in looooooooooove with him.

This Ooh La La post is gonna be all about foods/drinks that my body is digging lately. All I think about is food anyway so I figured WHY NOT? The first little gem that I want to share is Tazo Green Ginger tea. I’m a psycho green tea drinker because it de-bloats ya body and is just plain good for you. My body turns into a balloon if I even think about eating anything salty SO I am always battling the little devil known as bloat. Put a little lemon and ginger in your green tea and BAM you have a super bloat fighting/detoxing drink on your hands. I always forget to buy ginger because it’s a random ingredient that you don’t think about a lot…am I right? So anyway when I found this tea I freaked because it was made for me. All I gotta do is add a splash of lemon and I’m good ta go.



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Ooh La La’s

Boy oh boyyyy do I have a lot going on. I have so many ideas for posts that I overwhelm myself…and then I don’t even post. I’ve been obsessing over several things lately so I figured I would share the awesomeness that is those things. Here goes nothin’


photoI’ve always been a simple makeup kinda gal. All you need is the essentials, right? WRONG. After being convinced to try lipstick at the bach. party several weekends ago I have become ADDICTED. I love how it stands out on your face and draws attention to your mouth aka teeth (I’m a teeth freak). Obvi I still have a ways to go when it comes to which shade and gloss/matte/stick because there are SO MANY CHOICES but I will get there. I’d love to hear which colors/styles y’all use!




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